Warm Up:
2 sets:
:30 jumping jacks
:30 unweighted good mornings
1:00 shoulder tap (x2) + push-ups
Skill Warm-Up:
2 sets:
2 Samson stretches w/ a :10 hold on each
10 RDLs
5-8 left-arm windmills
5-8 right-arm windmills
– Use a light DB or KB for the RDLs and windmills.
5 rounds for time:
20 burpees over kettlebell
20 KB swings to shoulder height (16/24 kg)
Time Cap: 12 Minutes
5 rounds for time:
20 burpees over kettlebell
20 KB swings to shoulder height (12/16 kg)
5 rounds for time:
12 burpees over kettlebell
12 KB swings to shoulder height (8/12 kg)
Movement scaling options:
Burpees over kettlebell: Reps, up-downs over kettlebell
KB swings to shoulder height: Reps, Load
Limited equipment:
5 rounds for time:
20 burpees over a line
25 jumping squats
Post-Workout Skill Work:
On a 5:00 clock:
Max Turkish get-ups