Friday August 23, 2024

“There is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.” -Amanda Gorman

Warm Up: 
1 set:
:30 row (easy pace)
:30 hollow hold

1 set:
:30 row (moderate pace)
10 hanging knee raises

1 set:
:30 row (fast pace)
10 knees-to-chest

1 set:
:30 row (fast pace)
10 toes-to-bars

Specific Warm-Up:
3 sets:
1 snatch + 3 overhead squats

2:00 at each station for 5 rounds:
A) :30 max-reps toes-to-bars
B) :30 max-reps overhead squats (95/135 lb)
C) :30 max-cal row

2:00 at each station for 5 rounds:
A) :30 max-reps toes-to-bars
B) :30 max-reps overhead squats (75/115 lb)
C) :30 max-cal row

2:00 at each station for 5 rounds:
A) :30 max-reps hanging leg raises
B) :30 max-reps overhead squats (35/45 lb)
C) :30 max-cal row

Home Workout: 
5 rounds:
:45 max-reps V-ups
– Rest 1:30.
:30 max-reps single-arm overhead dumbbell lunges (35/50 lb)
– Rest 1:30.
:30 max-lateral up-downs over an object
– Rest 1:30.

Movement scaling options:
Toes to bar: Knees-to-chest, hanging knee raises, V-ups
Overhead squat: Load, front squats
Row: Bike or ski

Cool down:
1 set:
:30 couch stretch/side
:30 hamstring stretch/side