Saturday October 5, 2019

Click Here to Register for the CrossFit Open! We kick off Friday Night Lights on October 11th at 5 pm! Hope you can make it!

“Belief knows nothing but to try once more.”

Strength: 1 Split Jerk EMOM x 10

Min 1-3 -70-77%
Min 4-10 – Build to a heavy single

AMRAP 10: 1 Mile Run Max | Clean and Jerks @ 135/95
Rest 3 Min

AMRAP 7: 800M Run Max | Power Snatches @ 115/85
rest 3 Min

AMRAP 4: 400M Run | Max Thrusters @ 95/65

Performance: RX
Fitness: 1200M Run, C&J @ 95/65 | 800M Run, Snatch @ 95/65 | 400M Run Thrusters @ 75/55
Fit Light: 1200M Run, C&J @ 75/55 | 600M Run, Snatches @ 65/45 | 200M Run | Thrusters @ 45/35

No Run? Rd 1: Bike 2.8 Miles | Rd 2 Bike 1.4 | Rd 3 Bike .7

Males 5 Unbroken Sets for Time: 1 Ring mUscle Up + 3 Strict Ring Dips + 1RMU
Females 5 Unbroken Sets for Time: 1 Ring Muscle Up + 3 Kipping Ring Dips