Primer: EMOM x 9
min 1: Easy Row
Min 2: Inch worms
min 3: 30s front plank + 30s sit ups
Practice Rd 1: 30s Row | 30s Run | 5 C2B + 3 Burpee Box Jump Overs + 5 C2B | 30s Run | 30s Row
Practice Rd 2: 10 Cal Row | 200M Run | 5 C2B + 3 Burpee Box Jump Overs + 5 C2B | 200M Run | 10 Cal Row
Rest 4 Minutes
Jack In The Box
1000M Row
800m Run
25 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
25 Burpee Box Jump Over @30/24
25 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
800m Run
1000M Row
Performance: Pull Ups | BBJO @ 24/20
Fitness: Accumulate 60s Above the Rig | BBJO @ 24/20
Fit Light: 400M Run | Ring Rows | Burpee Box Step Overs @ 20
No Run (50/35 Cal Bike)
*30 Min Time Cap. Reps Over 30 Mins should be added on in seconds to your score.
4 Rounds: rest 60s btw
100M Sandbag Run 100/70
200M Run
50M DB Walking Lunges @ 50/35 (one front rack, one overhead)
2 Rope Climbs