Wednesday March 25, 2020

“Success is never final, failure is never fatal. It’s courage that counts.”

Hey Team! Glad to hear everyone has been doing well and love seeing your score in SugarWOD. Starting later this week / early next you’re going to get individual logins to be able to see the workout details, primer, videos, scaling options, coaches tips and more! Excited to roll this out to continue to stay connected while you guys are away. The entire staff misses you guys and we’re excited for this thing to be over before we know it. We are running 2 classes a day on zoom at 9 am and 5or 6 pm if you have time to hop on we would love to see you! Make sure you guys keep:

1. Checking into MindBody for classes
2. Post your times / Scores in SugarWOD
3. Daily CrossFit Reading: The Muscle Up

Mobility: 2 Minutes
Lizard | Pigeon Pose | Child’s Pose

Primer: 3x
400M Run | 30s Wall Squats | 20s Overhead Arm Circles | 10 Inch Worms

Strength: 3 x
20 Good Mornings | 16 DB High Pulls | 12 DB Strict Press

Equipment WOD:
5 Rounds:
25 DB or KB Swings @50/35
25 Single Arm KB or DB Thrusters @ 50/35

At Home:
5 Rounds:
25 Water Jug Swings
25 Water Jug Thrusters

Beast Builder: 3 Minutes On | 3 Minutes Rest Until Complete

12 Rounds of
3 Deadlifts | 3 Hang Power Cleans | 3 Shoulder to Overhead

Increase weight every 3 rounds if you can.
Barbell @ 115/85 | 135/95 | 155/105 | 185/125 | 205/145 | 225/155
2 KB’s | DBIncrease weight every 5 Rounds. Or Stay the Same