“The time when there is no one there to feel sorry for you or cheer for you is when champions are made.”
Open Athletes: Rest / Recovery Day
20 minutes of Mobility work / ROM WOD
16 Minute Row/Bike with 15 Sit Ups/GHDSU every 4 minutes
Non Open Athletes:
A. 7x 1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk
B. 21-15-9 (15 minute cap)
Front Squats @ 135/95
C. Accumulate 4 Minutes in a plank. Every time you break 15 Sit Ups
Warlock Weightlifting:
Sots Press – 5, 4, 3 (ascending weights)
Clean & Jerk – HS; (85% x (1+1), 90% x (1+1), 95% x (1+1)) x 2 (% of HS)
Snatch – HS; (85%x1, 90%x1, 95%x1) x 2 (% of HS)
Back Squat – 5×2 @80%
Weighted Back Extension – 3×10
Weighted Sit-Up – 4 x max
Crunch – 3 x max