“You are not weak, so stop acting like it.”
* Saturday June 23, 2018 Yoga will be a Summer Solstice celebration at 10 am at Longview Park below Marist College on the water front.
A. Alternating Back Rack Lunges 3×20
Min 1: 5 Front Squats @ 155/105 + 10 T2B
Min 2: 15/12 Cal Row
Min 3: 7 S2OH @ 155/105 + 10 T2B
Min 4: 15/12 Cal Row
Min 5: 5 Clean and Jerk @ 155/105 + 10 T2B
Min 6: 15/12 Cal Row
Min 7: Rest
Performance: @ 135/95 + 10 T2B
Fitness: @ 115/75 + 10 Knee’s to Elbows
Fitness Light: @ 95/65 + 10 knee’s to Chest
A. 10 Minutes to work on handstand walks
B. 5 Rounds: 100 Ft Heavy Sled Push | 100Ft Sandbag Carry | 100 Ft Yoke Carry