Tuesday June 2, 2020

Hey Team! Thank you for keeping your memberships active! We’re rewarding you with a combined $100 gift voucher to these awesome brands (02, Born Primitive, Puori and Bear Komplex). Thank you for your loyalty! Here’s what you need to do: 
Click This Link: communitycoalition.fitness/loyalty
Once you submit that you’ll get your gift voucher by email within 30 seconds of submitting your information. Any questions or issues please let me know! 
Important to note: these gift vouchers expire June 25, so time is of the essence! Use them today 🙂
Pike Stretch | Straddle Stretch | Child’s Pose 

3 Rounds: 200M Run | 20 Kneeling Dumbbell Strict Press | 20 DB High Pulls | 5 Spiderman and Reach each side

3 Rounds: 30s Hollow Hold |30s Arch Hold | 30s V-Ups

“Space Cadet”
Kipping Handstand Pushups
200 Meter Run

Weighted Version: 
Dumbbell Push Press @ 50/35 or  Barbell Push Press @ 95/65
200M Run

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
Elevator Push Ups 
200M Run