“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn
The 2019 Reebok CrossFit Open kicks off this Friday Night. Click Here to Register.
We have a few events going on this week:
Thursday Night at 8 pm. 19.1 Viewing Party – Come watch the announcement of 19.1 live with all of your Warlock Fridays. The Viewing Party is sponsored by Moriarty Physical Therapy.
Friday Night Lights 5 pm. Complete 19.1 with your friends. Athlete briefing starts at 5 pm and the first heat kicks off at 5:20. Heat assignments / judging assignments will be up on the website by 1 pm on Friday. If you need any special accommodations please email them to E@WarlockAthletics.com on Wednesday by 8 pm. 19.1 is Sponsored by Major Abstract Corporation (Eric Gillman).
Saturday Recovery @ 10 am. Recover after a hard workout with Melissa out on the turf. Mobility and Range of motion work will be targeted based off of 19.1
*If you are interested in Judging Please email E@WarlockAthletics.com
A. On The Every 2 Minutes
5-4-3-2-1 Squat Snatch + 25 Ft HS Walk
B. 5 Rounds for Time:
50 Double Unders
5 Power Snatches @ 135/95
Rest 1 Minute after each round
Performance: @ 115/80
Fitness: 100 Single Unders | 5 Power Snatches @ 95/65 | 10 Push Ups
Fitness Light: 50 Single Unders | 5 Power Snatches @ 75/55 | 10 Push Ups
20 minute recovery Bike: On the 5,10,15: 25 GHDSU or sit ups / 25 Hip Extensions