“In a nutshell, ditch the bread, pasta, rice and white potatoes in favor of more nutrient dense and high fiber foods. Sweet potatoes, squash, zucchinis, carrots and other vegetables like these are much healthier because they contain way more nutrients and are more filing because they contain more fiber.”
A. 5 x 1 Paused Overhead Squat + 2 Overhead Squats
B. On The Fight Gone Bad Clock
5 x 3 Power Snatch + 5/3 Muscle Ups
1:00 Rest
5 x 3 Power Snatch + 10 Burpees
1:00 Rest
5 x 3 Power Snatch + 15 Wall Ball, EMOM
Warlock RX – @135/95.
Warlock Performance 115/75, 5 C2B
Warlock Fitness 95/65, 12 Wall Ball, Pull Ups
Warlock Fitness Light, 75/55, 12 Wall Ball, Jumping C2B
Bonus –
5 x 8 DB High Pull (each arm), 8 Kneeling DB Press
3 x 20 Banded Pull aparts, 20 Banded Tricep Pull Down
Warlock Weightlifting:
A. Power Clean + Clean – 1+1RM, 90%x1+1×2
B. Clean Deadlift on Riser – 4RM, 90%x4x2
C. Seated Good Morning – 3×8
D. 1-arm Farmer Walk – 50m x 3/side
E. Weighted Plank – 3 x 30 sec