“Shallow people believe in luck and circumstance. Strong people believe in cause and effect” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Primer: 30s Single Arm KB Swings | 30s Lunges | 30s Russian Baby Makers
30 Single Arm Deadlifts | 30s Glute Bridges | 30s Bottom up Burpees
30s Single Arm Swings | 30s Third World Squat | 30s Goblet Squats | 30s Push Ups
“Urban Jumble” 3 Rounds:
25 DL @ 225/155
30 DB Squats @ 50/35
35 Lateral Burpees Over The Bar
* 7 minute time cap for each round
* 5 Minute rest between Rounds
Performance: 20 DL @ 225/155 | 25 DB Squats @ 50/35 | 30 Lateral Burpees Over Bar
Fitness: 25 DL @ 185/125 | 25 DB Squats @ 35/20 | 35 Lateral Burpees Over Bar
Fit Light: 20 DL @ 135/95 | 25 DB Squats @ 20/10 | 30 Lateral Burpees
A. EMOM x 10 odd: 3 Deadlifts | even: 50Ft HS Walk AFAP
Directly into
EMOM x 10: odd: 3 Box jumps (climbing) even: 50 Double Unders
B. 10x200M Run – 2 Min Rest btw each
C. Pendlay Row | Bench Press 5×5 (heavier than last week)
D. 15 Min Recovery bike – On The Every 3 – 15 Weighted Sit Ups