Thursday January 28, 2021

” A day that ends well is one that started with exercise” – Sophia Amoruso

Primer: 12 Minutes for Quality

2 Minute Row 
20 Glute Bridges
20 Bent Over Row
20 Shoulder Taps

Down Dog

On the 2 Minutes x 3 Rds
0-2: 100 Double Unders
2-4: 50 Sit Ups
4-6: 25 Deficit Push Ups On Plates

On the 2 Minutes x 3 Rds
0-2: 100 Double Unders
2-4: 50 Sit Ups
4-6: 25 Deficit Push Ups On Plates

Bulletproof Shoulders:
On the 2 Minutes x 3 Rds
0-2: 100 Double Unders
2-4: 50 Sit Ups
4-6: 25 Single Arm DB OH Lunges