Premier Sponsor – DS Electric
Your local, full service electrician, specializing in residential work (Dave Stewart)
Hospitality Sponsor – Schwartz and Patten DDS. PC.
Click Here to view all the details on 19.2
Friday Night lights kicks off at 5 pm with our athlete briefing. Our first heat kicks off at 5:30.
Bring your friends, family and be ready to workout, cheer, hang out and support your Warlock CrossFit community. If you can’t attend on Friday Night or need special accommodations just email e@WarlockAthletics by 9 pm on Wednesday February 27, 2019
“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” – Albert Einstein
A. EMOM x 20
Min 1: 10 Waiters Squats @ 53/35 (5 on each side)
Min 2: 5 Pull ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Sit Ups
Min 3: 45 Second Row
Min 4: HS Walk Practice or Bear Crawl
Min 5: 45 Seconds of 10M Shuttle Runs