Thursday April 25, 2019

“Master the mundane. That’s the stuff that keeps people successful long term. It’s the mundane shit that no one wants to do that is the game changer.”

General Primer: 2 Rounds: Low Intensity: 45 Sec Row | 45 Sec Bike | 45 Sec Shuttle Run
After Each Round: 3 Walk Outs | 5 Russian Baby Makers | 7 Pausing Glute Bridges

3 Rounds:
7 Suit Case Deadlifts (each side) | 15 Hollow Rocks | 5 BB GM | 5 Stiff Legged DL

Mobility: One Minute Each Side – Lizard | Pigeon | Couch

Tri Sprint Primer:
Light Intensity: 45 Sec Row | 45 Sec Bike | 30 Sec Shuttle Runs
80-85%: 30 SecRow | 30 Sec Bike | 30 Sec Shuttle Runs
Target Pace: 30 Sec Row | 30 Second Bike | 30 Sec Shuttle Run

Conditioning: Sprint Tri – 3 Rounds
2 Minute Cal Row
2 Minute Cal Bike
2 Minute Shuttle Run
2 Minute Rest

*Score is Total Reps

Festivus Peeps. Come in for ROMOWOD and a light 10-15 minute bike if you want to move. If not, enjoy your rest day.