Sunday July 26, 2020

“With one eye on the prize, you only have one eye for the journey.”

EMOM x 9: 
Min 1: 30s Squat Hold 
Min 2: 30s waiters walk each arm  
Min 3: 60s Samson Stretch

2 Rounds Empty Barbell: 
5 Clean Grip DL’s | 5 Muscle Cleans | 5 Tall Cleans | 5 Front Squats | 5 Push Jerks 

For Time: 
50 T2B
40 Strict HSPU
30 Double Kettlebell Thrusters @ 53/35
20 Sandbag Cleans @ 150/100 or Barbell Cleans @ 185/135

Odd Object / Bodyweight: 
50 V-Ups 
40 Strict HSPU
40 book bag thrusters 
50 Ground to Shoulder with heavy or odd object

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
Accumulate 2 Minutes in a plank
40 Alternating DB Strict Press (Piston Press)
30 Goblet Squats
200M Farmers Carry