“You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.” – Walt Disney
Conditioning 1: Teams of 3 – AMRAP 6
Ascending Ladder of Clean and Jerks / T2B: 10-11-12-13-14 etc
Max Cals on the Rower
On the start of the clock partner 1 will begin 2 minutes on the rower (each athlete gets two minutes) while partner 2 and 3 complete ascending ladder of clean and jerks and T2B starting with 10 and going up by 1 every round. When there is 2 minutes on the clock partner 2 will switch with partner 1 on the rower, same with the 4:00 Minute Mark
RX: Clean and Jerk @115/75
Performance: Clean and Jerk @ 95/65
Fitness and Fitness Light : Clean and Jerk @ 75/55 | Knee’s to Chest
Two Scores: Total Number of Calories | Total Number of Clean and Jerk and Pull Ups
Conditioning 2: Each Team will have 7 Minutes to:
Find a Heavy Clean and Jerk
While that is going on Max Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 24/20 (step ups are allowed for scaled)
Two Scores: Team Total Weight | Number of Burpee Box Jump Overs