3 Rounds: 10 Push Ups | 10 Good mornings | 10 Tuck Ups | 10 Air Squats | 10 Pull Ups or DB / KB Bent over rows
Body Armor:
3×10 Double KB Deadlifts (make them heavy)
3×20 Weighted Glute Bridges (use a plate, KB or DB)
3×30 Barbell Good Mornings (start empty add weight if you want)
Do all 3 sets of deadlifts first | then all 3 sets of glute bridges second | then all 3 sets of good mornings 3rd. Challenge yourself
Body Armor Part 2:
Minutes 0-3: Unbroken Wall Sit
Minutes 3:30 – 5:30 Unbroken Hollow hold
Min 6-7 Static DB HOld – Left Overhead, Right in Rack
Min 7-8 Static DB Hold – Right Overhead, Left in Rack
Score is total time work is done. I.e.
Wall sit 2 out of 3 minutes
Hollow hold 1:30 out of 2 Minutes
Total time is 3:30
Body Armor Part 3
On the Minute x 8
X Burpees – Score is your lowest round.