Saturday September 29, 2018

“Opportunities are everywhere. So are excuses. Your life. Your choice.”

A. “Warrior Dash ” – For Time – Teams of 2
2 Mile Run (relay style)
6 Rounds of DT (split the work)
1 Mile Run (relay style)
4 Rounds of DT
800M Run (relay style)
2 Rounds fo DT

DT = 12 Deadlifts / 9 Hang Power Cleans / 6 Shoulder to Overhead

RX: 155/105
Performance: 135/95
Fitness: 115/75
Fitness Light: 95/65 | 6 Laps (Relay style) | 4 Laps (Relay Style) | 2 Laps (relay style)

A. 5×20 Cal Bike 60 Seconds rest between rounds. Score is total time
B. 3 Rounds: 10 Waiter Squats | 100 Ft OH DB Walk | 30 Second Handstand Hold