Saturday May 23, 2020

8 am – Zoom

7:30 am – Low Risk Outdoor Recreational Activities 
@ Back Parking Lot

Check-in in Mindbody

“The notion that holding a heart rate of 180 bpm for twenty minutes on a bike is good cardio whereas holding 180 bpm for twenty minutes in a circuit of weightlifting is of lesser cardiovascular value is widespread yet ludicrous.” – Greg Glassman

Saddle | Frog | Pigeon Pose | Lizard 

EMOM x 12 
Min 1: 200M Run
Min 2: 10 Cossack Squats 
Min 3: 20 Step Back Lunges 
Min 4: 10 Active Dive bombers

WOD: Gone In 60 Seconds 
20 Power Snatches @ 95/65
20 Toe to Bar
20 Overhead Squats @ 95/65
20 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
20 Squat Snatches @ 95/65

*EMOM 20 Double Unders
*15 Minute Time Cap

Dumbbell Version:
20 DB Power Snatches @ 50/35
20 T2B
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squats @ 50/35
20 Chest To Bar
20 Single Arm DB Squat Snatches @ 50/35

No Rig / DB Version:
30 Single Arm Dumbbell or Kettlebell Power Snatches @ 50/35
20 V-Ups
30 Single Arm Dumbbell DB Overhead Lunges @ 50/35
20 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings @ 70/50 (if it’s lighter stay with 30 reps)
30 Single Arm DB Thrusters @ 50/35

Odd Object: 
25 Ground To Overhead
25 Tuck Ups 
25 Odd Object Overhead Squats
25 Odd Object Kettlebell Swings
25 Odd Object Thrusters

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings
20 V-Ups
30 Goblet Squats
Accumulate 60s in a dead hang (supinated grip hands facing you) or 60s Hollow Hold with PVC
30 Russian KB Swings