“If I made top ten lifting in all categories, then almost anybody can, except for you lazy bastards who have some excuse why you can’t!” – Louie Simmons
A. Night Rider – Teams of 3
3 Rounds:
30 C2B
30 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Thrusters @ 75/55
150/100 Cal Bike
2 Rounds
30 C2B
30 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Thrusters @ 105/70
150/100 Cal Bike
1 Round
30 C2B
30 bar Facing Burpees
30 Thrusters @ 135/95
Time Cap 30 Minutes
A. EMOM x 14
odd: 5 Single Arm Suit Case Deadlifts / 50 Ft Carry | 5 Suit Case Deadlifts / 50 ft carry with other army
Even: 15/12 Cal Row
B. AMRAP 5 Sandbag Carry for Distance @ 150/100