“Your 10x output is hidden in your small consistent actions”
A. EMOM x 10
Snatch + Hang Snatch @ 70-75%
B. 75 Wallball For Time (3 Minute cap)
8 Deadlifts @155/105
7 Hang Power Cleans @ 155/105
6 Front Squats @155/105
5 Shoulder to Overhead @ 155/105
*5 burpees over the bar every time you put the barbell down
1. Back Squat 5×3 @ 75%
2. Muscle Ups: 3 Rounds of 3,4,5 rest 2 minutes
Warlock Weightlifting:
1. Snatch (5 singles each weight OTM) – 70%, 75%, 80%
2. Snatch Pull – 85%x3x3
3. Snatch Segment Deadlift (knee) + Floating Snatch Deadlift – 80% x (3+1) x 3
4. Back Squat (5 sec eccentric on rep 1) – 70%x5x3