A. Crossover Activation
B.Muscle Snatch + Tall Snatch – 3 x (3+3) (light)
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For those of you that took time out of your busy weekend to spend the hour with us, thank you! For those of you that missed the Sunday Social, we made an announcement. Warlock 3.0 is coming. We constantly ask ourself, “What can we do to make the experience better for our athletes, family and friends?” This has been in the works the past two years. We’re beyond excited and we believe this is a huge step that will allow us to take our athlete experience for family and friends to the next level. Starting in June Warlock CrossFit will be 8500 square feet, on the ground level, have three bay doors and a whole lot of space for fitness. Our location will be 60 Firemens Way Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 come June! If you have questions, thoughts, ideas please don’t hesitate to share them with us. We’ve had some really great ideas that we have adopted from conversations with members. If you have ideas, concerns or something you want to discuss about the move don’t hesitate to email me E@WarlockCrossFit.com. Thanks for taking the time to read and see you guys tomorrow!
A. Snatch 7×1 @ Target of 70%-90%
B. EMOM x 15
Min 1-5: 30 Second ME Cal Row / Bike
Min 6-10: 30 Second ME KB Swing @ 70/53
Min 11-15: 30 Second ME Burpee Boxjump @ 24/20
1.Clean & Jerk – 1@70%, 1@75%, 1@80%, 1@85%, 1@90%, 1@80%
2. 3x Max Effort GHDSU
Warlock Weightlifting: (week 3)
1. 3-Position Snatch (floor, knee, mid-thigh) – RM; 95%, 90% (% of RM)
2. Snatch Pull on Riser – 110%x5, 115%x5, 120%x5
3. Back Squat – 75%x5, 85%x1, 77%x5, 87%x1, 79%x5, 89%x1
4. Back Squat Jump – 5×3@20% (% of back squat)