For Monday December 2nd classes will begin at 9 am. Home WOD AMRAP 20 – 20 Burpees | 20 Sit Ups | 20 Jumping Squats (if you hit your head on your ceiling extra points)
“Validation is for parking”
Primer: For Quality 9 Minutes
21 PVC Overhead Squats
15 Straight Leg Abmat Sit Ups
9 Cal Bike
Strength: Back Squats (% of of last weeks 5 rep heavy)
Set 1: 6 @ 70%
Set 2: 4 @ 76%
Set 3: 2 @ 82%
3 Minute Rest
Set 4: 6 @ 76%
Set 5: 4 @ 82%
Set 6: 2 @ 88%
3 Min Rest
Set 7: 6 @ 82%
Set 8: 4 @ 88%
Set 9: 2 @ 94%
For Time: “Flinstones”
60 Wallball @ 20/14
50 Cal Row or Bike
40 T2B
30 DB Snatches @ 70/50
Time Cap 13 Minutes
A. 5x 2 Muscle Snatch | 1 Pause Overhead Squat | 1 Snatch Balance (35%, 40%, 45% x 3)
A. 3x 20s L Sit | 30s Hip Ext Hold | 40s Tempo Back Squat (10s down | 20s bottom | 10s Up)
B. 3x 8 Suitcase Deadlifts (each side) | 12 Double KB Front Rack Step ups (6 each side)