Monday December 16, 2019

“Smiling changes the way you feel, the way you think and how you interact with others.” – Jon Gordon

Primer: 10 minutes for quality
40 Single Unders | 200m row | 10 Russian baby makers | 5 inch worms

Body Armor: 3x
:20s waiter squat hold on each side
Max strict pull ups
5 Tempo Deadlifts (5s negative)

WOD: Wonderwall
60 Double Under, 30 Burpees
60 Double Unders, 30 Wallball
60 Double Unders, 30 Deadlifts
60 Double Unders, 30 Wallball
60 Double Unders, 30 Burpees

18 min time cap

RX 275/185 | 20/14
Performance 225/155 | 20/14
Fitness: 60s DU practice | 185/125 | @14/10
Fit Light: 90 single Unders | Deadlifts @ 135/85 | WB @ 14/10

A. Back squats:3x 6/4/2
74/80/86 | 80/86/92 | 86/92/98 % of 5 RM