Monday August 31, 2020

“The purpose of pain is to move us in action, not to make us suffer.” – Tony Robbins

Technique Rowing: 3 Rounds 
30s recovery | 30s moderate | 30s at or around 2k pace

Barbell Technique – On the Every 60-90s x 5 (add weight as needed)
3 Muscle Snatches + 3 SGPP + 3 OHS + 3 SB + 3 High Hang Squat Snatches

8-10 Minutes: Build to a moderate High Hang Squat Snatch or a Hang Power Snatch + Pause OHS

WOD: Empty Calories 
Cal Row 
Overhead Squats @ 115/85 

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
Cal Row 
Goblet Squats @ 53/35 

Home Version: 
Shuttle Runs 
Lunges (Each leg)

Dumbbell Version: 
Cal Row 
Single Arm DB Overhead Squats @ 50/35