“Uncertainty makes us feel alive”
Primer: 30s Walk Outs | 30s Samson Stretch | 30s Wall Walk | 10s Ring Support x 3
30-20-10 Cal Bike or Row | Russian KB Swings (light)| Air Squats
WOD: Man On Fire
5-4-3-2-1 – Rounds of “Nate”
100 Double Unders in between each round
Round of Nate is 2 Ring Muscle Ups | 4 HSPU | 8 KBS @ 70/53
Performance: 6 C2B | 4 Elevated HSPU | 8 KB @ 70/53
Fitness: 2 Burpee Pull Ups | 4 Push Ups | 8 KBS @ 53/35
Fit Light: 2 Burpee Jumping Pull Ups |4 Push Ups | 8 KBS @ 44/26
Bonus: Box Front Squats 2 EMOM x 7: start at 50% and climb to 60% on the 10 Min – On The Every 2 Minutes x 5 – 1 and 1 quarter front squat + 1 front squat – start at 50% and climb to 60% Body Armor: 3x 9 Barbell Romanian Deadlifts | 15 Dips on the matador | 21 GHDSU | 2 Min rest btw rounds