Friday February 3, 2023

Warm Up: 
3 sets:
10 reps or :30 of each movement:
Samson stretch lunge
PVC Overhead squat (weight in heels)
Strict sit-ups (minimal arm movement)
Good mornings (neutral spine)
Strict pull-ups (full ROM)
Strict ring dips (full ROM)

Specific Warm-Up:
Rowing and V-Up Review

For time:
800/1,000-m row
40 v-ups
600/750-m row
40 v-ups
400/500-m row

Intended Stimulus: 11-15 Minutes

For time:
800/1,000-m row
40 alternating v-ups
600/750-m row
40 alternating v-ups
400/500-m row

For time:
400/500-m row
40 sit-ups
400/500-m row
40 sit-ups
400/500-m row

For time:
10 shuttle runs
40 v-ups
8 shuttle runs
40 v-ups
6 shuttle runs
– 1 shuttle run = 50-m out + 50-m back.

Movement scaling options:
Row: Reduce distance, substitutions
V-Up: Tuck-up, hollow rock

Partner option:
For time:
800/1,000-m row
60 v-ups
600/750-m row
60 v-ups
400/500-m row
– Split all the work evenly.
– One partner holds a plank while the other works.

Cool down:
1 set:
1:00 cobra stretch
1:00 seated straddle stretch

1 set:
Max-effort hanging L-sit hold
– Scale to a hanging tuck hold.