Wednesday September 6, 2023

“The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.” -Carl Rogers 

Warm Up: 
AMRAP 5:00:
10 mountain climbers
20 jumping jacks
10 scap pull-ups

Skill Work: 
:20 crossover practice

EMOM 12:
Min. 1 | 6 strict pull-ups + 12 push-ups + 18 air squats
Min. 2 | Max-rep double-unders
– Score is total reps.

EMOM 12:
Min. 1 | 4 strict pull-ups + 8 push-ups + 12 air squats
Min. 2 | Max-rep double-unders
– Score is total reps.

EMOM 12:
Min. 1 | 6 ring rows + 8 knee push-ups + 10 air squats
Min. 2 | Max-rep single-unders
– Score is total reps.

Home Workout: 
EMOM 12:
Min. 1 | 6 double-DB bent over rows + 12 push-ups + 18 air squats
Min. 2 | Max-rep double-unders
– Score is total reps.

Movement scaling options:
Strict pull-up: Reps, ring rows
Push-up: Reps, push-ups from knees, push-ups from a box or bench
Air squat: Reps, squat to a box or bench, lunges
Double-under: Attempts, single-unders

Cool down:
1 set:
1:30 lacrosse ball foot mash/side
1:00 standing pike stretch