Wednesday June 30, 2021

“You must tell yourself. No matter how hard it is, or how hard it gets, I’m going to make it.’ -Les Brown

Cal Bike 

Btw Each Set:
30s Dead Hang 
30s Squat Hold 
30s Good Mornings 

Russian Baby Makers 
Active Samson Stretch 

GYM WOD:  Fred Flinestone
On the 7 x 3 Rounds
12 Cal Bike | 9 Double DB Burpee Deadlifts 
12 Cal Bike | 7 Double DB Burpee Pwr Cleans
12 Cal Bike | 5 Double DB Burpee Squat Clean
@ 70/50 

Bike: 10/8 Cal Bike | 200M Row 

On the 7 x 3 Rounds
12 Cal Bike | 9 Double DB Burpee Deadlifts 
12 Cal Bike | 7 Double DB Burpee Pwr Cleans
12 Cal Bike | 5 Double DB Burpee Squat Clean
@ 70/50 

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
12 Cal Row | 12 DB DL
12 Cal Row | 10 Renegade Row 
12 Cal Row | 8 Goblet Squats

Bodyweight Version: 
200M Run | 15 Burpees
200M Run | 12 Tuck Jumps
200M Run | 9 Lunges