Wednesday January 10, 2024

“It’s better to endure the discomfort of the truth now than to suffer the discomfort of the lie later.” -Simon Sinek

Warm Up: 
1 set:
2:00 bike, row, or ski
10 unweighted good mornings
10 alternating Cossack squats
10 alternating Samson stretches
2:00 bike, row, or ski

Specific Warm-Up:
4 sets:
3 deadlifts
– Start light, then add load and lift every :90-2:00.

For load:
– Start at 75% of 1-rep-max.
– Build to a 1-rep-max deadlift.

Same as Rx

For load:
– Find a slightly challenging load and stay there for all 5 sets.
– Work on mechanics and safe, efficient movement.

Home Workout: 
EMOM 12:
Min. 1 | 10 burpees + 15 jumping squats
Min. 2 | :30 max-rep dumbbell deadlifts (35/50 lb)
– Use two dumbbells.

Movement scaling options:
Deadlift: Load, range of motion, dumbbell option

Cool down:
1 set:
:45 scorpion stretch/side
:30 standing hamstring stretch/leg