Warm Up:
1 set:
100-m run
5 inchworms + 1 push-up/rep
100-m run
10 up-downs
100-m run
3 slow burpees
– Rest :10.
4 moderate burpees
– Rest :10.
5 fast burpees
Specific Warm-Up:
3-4 sets:
2 touch-and go power snatches
1 power snatch
– Rest 1:00 between sets.
3 rounds for time:
800-m run with a medicine ball (14/20 lb)
24 power snatches (105/155 lb)
– Athletes run together and switch as needed on the snatches.
– The medicine ball doesn’t touch the ground until the workout is over.
– If the medicine ball touches the ground, both partners complete 10 burpees before continuing.
Intended Stimulus: 23-30 Minutes
3 rounds for time:
800-m run with a medicine ball (10/14 lb)
24 power snatches (75/115 lb)
– Athletes run together and switch as needed on the snatches.
– The medicine ball doesn’t touch the ground until the workout is over.
– If the medicine ball touches the ground, both partners complete 10 burpees before continuing.
3 rounds for time:
400-m run
18 power snatches (35/45 lb)
– Athletes run together and switch as needed on the snatches.
Home Workout:
Medicine ball run: Load, distance, unweighted run, substitutions
Power snatches: Load, hang power snatches, power cleans, DB options
Burpees: Reps, up-downs
Movement scaling options:
3 rounds for time:
800-m run with a light object (15/20 lb)
48 DB power snatches (35/50 lb)
– Athletes run together and switch as needed on the snatches.
– The light object doesn’t touch the ground until the workout is over.
– If the light object touches the ground, both partners complete 10 burpees before continuing.
Cool down:
1:00 lacrosse ball foot roll/foot