Tuesday February 21, 2023

“Excuses will always be there. Opportunities won’t.” -Anonymous 

Warm Up: 
2 rounds:
Each drill down 50-ft and back:
High knee karaoke
Knee to chest
Lunge with a pause and reach up
Lunge with a torso twist
High knees
Butt kicks

1 round:
Run 100-m, moderate pace
Rest 1:00
Run 100-m: run 100-m, faster pace
Rest 1:00
Run 100-m: 100-m, fast pace

Specific Warm-Up :
Double Under Practice
Walking Lunge Review

3 rounds for time:
400-m run
80 double-unders
40 walking lunges

Intended Stimulus: 11-18 Minutes

3 rounds for time:
400-m run
1:30 double-unders
40 walking lunges

3 rounds for time:
200-m run
80 single-unders
20 walking lunges

3 rounds for time:
400-m run
80 double-unders
40 walking lunges

Movement scaling options:
Run: Substitutions
Double-under: Attempts, time cap, penguin taps
Walking lunge: Reps, single-leg reverse lunge

No equipment option:
3 rounds for time:
400-m run
60 mountain climbers
40 walking lunges

Post-Workout Skill Work: 
3 sets:
100-ft. single-DB overhead walk/arm (35/50 lb)