Warm Up:
1 set:
1:00 row (easy)
:40 good morning + jumps
1 set:
1:00 row (moderate)
:40 air squats
1 set:
1:00 row (fast)
:40 burpees
Specific Warm-Up:
4 sets:
5 hang power cleans (building)
For time:
2,000-meter row
50 alternating single-leg squats
30 hang cleans (135/225 lb)
Time Cap: 16 Minutes
For time:
1,600/2,000-meter row
50 alternating single-leg squats to a target
30 hang cleans (105/155 lb)
For time:
800/1,000-meter row
50 alternating reverse lunges
30 hang cleans (55/75 lb)
Home Workout:
For time:
1,600-meter run
50 alternating single-leg squats
50 dumbbell hang cleans (35/50 lb)
– Use two dumbbells.
Movement scaling options:
Row: Distance, substitutions
Single-leg squat: Single-leg squat to a target, reverse lunge, box step-ups
Hang power clean: Load, dumbbell hang power clean, deadlift
Cool down:
2 sets:
:30 frog stretch
:30 couch stretch/leg