Tuesday August 22, 2023

“Going to the gym is great for your body, but it’s also great for your mind.” -Rory McIlroy
Warm Up: 
1 set:
1:00 jumping jacks
:10 Samson stretch lunge/leg
1:00 burpees

Specific Warm-Up:
3 sets:
3-5 push presses (building)
3-5 handstand push-ups
– Rest 1:00-1:30 between sets.

5 sets for load and reps:
Every 4:00, complete:
3 push presses
– Immediately following your final push press, complete a single max set of handstand push-ups.

5 sets for load and reps:
Every 4:00, complete:
3 push presses
– Immediately following your final push press, complete a single max set of piked push-ups.

5 sets for load and reps:
Every 4:00, complete:
3 push presses
– Immediately following your final push press, complete a single max set of push-ups, from the knees if needed.

Home Workout: 
5 sets for load and reps:
Every 4:00, complete:
Max-rep DB shoulder presses
– Immediately following your final push press, complete a single max set of handstand push-ups.
– Use DB loads that allow for 5-10 reps on each set.

Movement scaling options:
Push press: Load, shoulder press, DB options
Handstand push-up: Pike push-up (box), pike push-up (floor), push-up

Cool down:
1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side