Thursday May 2, 2024

“Confidence comes from discipline and training.” – Robert Kiyosaki

Warm Up: 
1 set:
2:00 slow run, bike, row, or ski

3 rounds:
10 PVC pass-throughs
10 PVC good mornings
10 PVC muscle cleans
10 PVC front squats
10 scap pull-ups

Specific Warm-Up:
3-4 sets:
3 hang squat cleans
– Rest 1:00 between sets.

6 rounds for time:
9 hang squat cleans (105/155 lb)
6 bar muscle-ups

Intended Stimulus: 8-12 Minutes

6 rounds for time:
9 hang squat cleans (75/115 lb)
2 bar muscle-ups
– Bar muscle-ups can be singles.

6 rounds for time:
9 hang power cleans (55/75 lb)
6 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups

Home Workout: 
6 rounds for time:
9 dumbbell hang squat cleans (35/50 lb)
6 wall walks
– Use two dumbbells.

Movement scaling options:
Hang squat clean: Load, hang power clean, dumbbell options
Bar muscle up: Reps, banded bar muscle-up, jumping bar muscle-up, jumping chest-to-bar pull-up, ring row

Cool down:
1 set:
1:00 couch stretch/side
1:00 straddle stretch/side