Warm Up:
1 set:
100-m run
15 PVC pipe good mornings
20 lateral hops over the PVC pipe
1 set:
100-m run
15 PVC pipe Romanian deadlifts
20 lateral hops over the PVC pipe
1 set:
100-m run
15 PVC pipe deadlifts
20 lateral hops over the PVC pipe
For time, with a partner:
30 synchro deadlifts (125/185 lb)
30 synchro bar-facing burpees
400-m run
20 synchro deadlifts
20 synchro bar-facing burpees
400-m run
10 synchro deadlifts
10 synchro bar-facing burpees
400-m run
For time, with a partner:
30 synchro deadlifts (95/135 lb)
30 synchro bar-facing burpees
400-m run
20 synchro deadlifts
20 synchro bar-facing burpees
400-m run
10 synchro deadlifts
10 synchro bar-facing burpees
400-m run
For time, with a partner:
20 synchro deadlifts (65/95 lb)
20 synchro bar-facing burpees
200-m run
10 synchro deadlifts
10 synchro bar-facing burpees
200-m run
5 synchro deadlifts
5 synchro bar-facing burpees
200-m run
Movement scaling options:
Deadlifts: Loading, KB and DB options, reduce range of motion
Bar-facing burpees: Step-over burpees, regular burpees
Run: Reduce the distance to complete runs around ~2:00-2:15, bike, row, sk
Limited Equipment Option:
For time, with a partner:
60 single-arm synchro DB deadlifts
30 synchro burpees
400-m run
40 single-arm synchro DB deadlifts
20 synchro burpees
400-m run
20 single-arm synchro DB deadlifts
10 synchro burpees
400-m run
Post-workout Skill Work:
With a partner:
4:00 GHD superman hold
While one athlete is holding the superman on the GHD, the other is holding a sandbag at their chest.
The partner on the GHD can not hold unless the sandbag is off the floor.
Use a sandbag that allows you to hold for :20-:40 at a time.