Warm Up:
1 set:
:30 row (slow)
10 reverse lunges
10 hollow rocks
10 knee push-ups
1 set:
:30 row (moderate)
10 reverse lunges
10 tuck-ups
5-10 push-ups
1 set:
:30 row (hard)
10 reverse lunges
5-10 strict knee raises
5-10 pike push-ups (floor)
Specific Warm-Up:
1 set:
6 alternating kettlebell step-ups
5 toes-to-bars
4 calorie-row
3 strict handstand push-ups
For time:
30 KB step-ups (53/70 lb) (20 in)
30 toes-to-bars
22/30-calorie row
30 strict handstand push-ups
22/30-calorie row
30 toes-to-bars
30 KB step-ups
– Hold the KB on the shoulder.
Intended Stimulus: 11-17 Minutes
For time:
30 KB step-ups (35/53 lb) (20 in)
30 toes-to-bars
22/30-calorie row
15 strict handstand push-ups
22/30-calorie row
30 toes-to-bars
30 KB step-ups
– Hold the KB on the shoulder.
For time:
20 KB step-ups (18/26 lb) (20 in)
20 kipping knee raises
15/20-calorie row
20 pike push-ups
15/20-calorie row
20 kipping knee raises
20 KB step-ups
– Hold the KB on the shoulder.
Home Workout:
For time:
30 dumbbell step-ups (50/70 lb) (20 in)
30 weighted sit-ups (10 lb)
30 object jump-overs (20 in)
30 strict handstand push-ups
30 object jump-overs
30 weighted sit-ups (10 lb)
30 dumbbell step-ups
– Hold the dumbbells on the shoulder.
Movement scaling options:
KB step up: Load, reps, box height
Toes to bar: Reps, kipping knees-to-chest, kipping knee raises
Cal row: Calories, row substitutions
Strict handstand pushup: Reps, pike push-up (box), pike push-up (floor)
Cool down:
3 sets:
:30 left-side straddle stretch
:30 right-side straddle stretch