Thursday August 31, 2023

“Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.” -John Wooden 

Warm Up: 
2 rounds:
10 jumping jacks
10 over-the-fences
10 jumping jacks
10 Samson lunges
10 jumping jacks

Specific Warm-Up
1 round:
25-ft down and back:
Running position drill
Running falling forward drill

100-m run
– Build in pace with each run.

EMOM 10:
Even: row for max calories
Odd: 25 double-unders

Rest 5:00

For time:
1-mile run

EMOM 10:
Even: row for max calories
Odd: double-under attempts

Rest 5:00

For time:
1-mile run

EMOM 10:
Even: row for max calories
Odd: 25 single-unders

Rest 5:00

For time:
1,200-m run

Home Workout: 
Even: max-rep burpees
Odd: 25 double-unders

Rest 5:00

For time:
1-mile run

Movement scaling options:
Row: Calories on a SkiErg or AirBike
Double unders: :45 of attempts, single-unders
Run: Distance, substitutions

Cool down:
1 set:
:30 couch stretch/leg
:30 lacrosse ball roll calf/leg