Warm Up:
1 set:
1:00 jumping jacks
:30 mountain climbers
:30 alternating spiderman stretches (fast)
1:00 Echo Bike
Specific Warm-Up:
2 sets:
5 KB snatches/arm
5 toes-to-bars
AMRAP 30 with a partner:
100-calorie Echo Bike
100 KB snatches (53/70 lb)
100 toes-to-bars
– Split work as needed with one person working at a time.
AMRAP 30 with a partner:
100-calorie Echo Bike
100 KB snatches (35/53 lb)
50 toes-to-bars
– Split work as needed with one person working at a time.
AMRAP 30 with a partner:
70-calorie Echo Bike
70 single-arm KB swings (26/35 lb)
50 hanging knee raises
– Split work as needed with one person working at a time.
Home Workout:
AMRAP 30 with a partner:
100 weighted step-ups (35/50 lb) (20 in)
100 DB snatches (50/70 lb)
100 laying leg raises
– Split work as needed with one person working at a time.
Movement scaling options:
Bike: Calories, alternate bike (C2 or Assault), row, SkiErg
KB snatch: Load, DB snatch, single-arm KB swing (eye level)
Toes to bar: Knees-to-armpits, knees-to-chest, hanging knee raises, V-ups
Cool down:
1 set:
200-m cooldown walk
1:00 double-forearm stretch