Partner Warm-Up:
On a 9:00 clock:
200 single-unders
– Partner holds a plank
100 shoulder taps
– Partner holds a side plank
50 push-ups
– Partner holds a wall sit
50 step-back lunges
– Partner holds a Superman
Jump Rope Warm-Up:
1 set:
20 fast single-unders
20 slow single-unders
10 single-leg single-unders/side
20 backward single-unders
10 fast backward single-unders
10 slow backward single-unders
10 single-leg backward single-unders/side
Skill Work:
Every 1:30 for 5 sets:
8 heavy KB swings
Go heavier than you would for a workout
3 rounds for time:
20 KB deadlifts (35/53 lb)
60 double-unders
100-ft KB farmers carry
3 rounds for time:
20 KB deadlifts (26/44 lb)
30 double-unders
100-ft KB farmers carry
3 rounds for time:
20 KB deadlifts (28/26 lb)
60 single-unders
100-ft KB farmers carry
Movement scaling options:
KB deadlifts: Load, range of motion, single-leg KB deadlifts
Double-unders: 1:00 of reps, single-single-doubles, single-leg single-unders
KB farmers carry: Load, single-arm options
Limited Equipment:
3 rounds for time:
20 DB deadlifts
60 DB hop-overs
100 DB farmers carry step-ups to a 45-lb plate
Cool down:
2 sets:
1:00 standing leg swings (front and back)