Sunday June 6, 2021

“Each of us has a fire in our hearts for something. It’s our goal in life to find it and keep it lit.” -Mary Lou Retton 

Alternating Efforts x 12
Min 1: 15/12 Cal Row
Min 2: 200M Run
Min 3: 12 American KB swings

No Oly Lifting: 30-45s dead Hang On the Rig

“Daniel  Crabtree”
With heavy hearts we dedicate this workout to Army Sgt 1st Class Daniel Crabtree who was killed in Al Kut, Iraq on Thursday June 8th. To Daniel’s family and friends, we express our sorrow; to his wife Kathy and daughter Mallory, we tearfully acknowledge your loss as the true cost of freedom. Fair Winds, Daniel.


Down Dog

Strength: 5x 3 Thrusters (build to a heavy set)

WOD: Hero WOD Daniel
For Time 
50 Pull Ups  | 400M Run
21 Thrusters @ 95/65
800M Run 
21 Thrusters @ 95/65
400M Run | 50 Pull Ups 

Honor a fallen American Hero 

Pull Ups: Break them up into small sets, you can be aggressive on the rest periods.
Run: Recover
Thrusters: Unbroken or as close to unbroken as possible 
Run: Recover
Thrusters: Unbroken or as close to unbroken as possible
Run: Recover / push the tempo a little
Pull Ups: Fast consistent sets. 

No Pull Ups: Ring Rows or KB Swings @ 53/35
No Run: Walk or .8 Mile Bike for every 400

DB Version: 
50 Pull ups | 400M Run 
21 DB Thrusters | 800M Run
21 DB Thrusters | 400M Run
50 Pull Ups 

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
50 Ring Rows | 400M Run
21 Goblet Squats | 800M Run
21 Goblet Squats | 400M Run
50 Cal Row 

No Equipment
50 Pull ups | 400M RUn
21 HSPU | 800M Run
21 HSPU | 400M Run
50 Pull ups