Warm Up:
1 set:
10 lateral hops over the barbell
10 alternating in-place lunges
1 set:
10 lateral hops over the barbell
10 alternating barbell lunges
Skill Work:
On a 5:00 clock:
Every :30 perform:
2 power cleans
– Cleans must be performed as touch and go reps
For time:
Power cleans (65/95 lb)
Lateral hops over the barbell
Alternating barbell lunges
Lateral hops over the barbell
Same as Rx
For time:
Power cleans (55/75 lb)
Lateral hops over the barbell
Alternating lunges
Lateral hops over the barbell
Movement scaling options:
Power cleans: Load, DB power cleans
Lateral hops over barbell: Lateral line hops, bike (1:00/:40/:20)
Alt barbell lunges: Load, unweighted lunges, box step-ups
Partner option:
For time:
Power cleans (95/135 lb)
Synchro. lateral hops over the barbell
Alternating barbell lunges
Synchro. lateral hops over the barbell
Cool down:
1:00 foam roll calf/leg
1:00 foam roll IT band/leg