Sunday December 5, 2021

“Many a false step was made by standing still.” – Fortune Cookie 🙂

Partner Warm Up: 
On a 5 Minute Clock:
Set 1: 20 Shoulder Taps in Plank / 10 Ring Rows or Single-KB Bent Over Rows
Set 2: 20 Seconds Single Unders / 20 Seconds Bear Crawl
Set 3: 20 Seconds Hang From Bar / 10 Sit-ups
Set 4: 10 Synchro Jump Squats

Specific Warm-Up: 
On a 6 Minute Clock:
2 Minutes Max Double Unders
4 Minutes Max Distance Handstand Walk

Partner WOD:
5 Burpees
1 Rope Climb (15-ft.)
30 Double Unders
Alternate full rounds with a partner.

5 Burpees
1 Rope Climb (10-ft.)
15 Double Unders
Alternate full rounds with a partner.

5 Burpees
3 Pull-to-Stands
40 Single Unders
Alternate full rounds with a partner.

Movement scaling options: 
Burpees: Up Downs, Hand-Release Push-ups, Box Jump Overs
Rope Climb: Reduce Height, 2 Rope Pull-to-Stands, 5 Strict Pull-up Variations
Double Unders: Reduce Reps, Single Unders, 30 Lateral Hops Over DB

Alternate Workout: 
5 Burpees
10 Alternating DB Renegade Rows (35/25#)
30 Double Unders
Alternate full rounds with a partner.

Cool down: 
2 Sets:
30 Seconds Foot Lacrosse Ball Roll / Side
30 Seconds Forearm Stretch / Side