Warm Up:
1 set:
3:00 row
-Row at a slow/moderate pace here just to start getting warm
1 set:
:30 mountain climbers
5 inchworms + 1 push-up/rep
5 KB windmills/arm
1 set:
:30 up-downs
10 single-arm KB swings, right arm
10 single-arm KB swings, left arm
1 set:
:30 burpees
10 single arm KB presses, right arm
10 single arm KB presses, left arm
Specific Warm-Up:
Rowing Efficiency
Wall Walk Progressions
For time:
10 wall walks
800/1,000-m row
10 wall walks
Intended Stimulus: 7-11 Minutes
For time:
5 wall walks
800/1,000-m row
5 wall walks
For time:
10 inch worms + push-up
400/500-m row
10 inch worms + push-up
For time:
10 wall walks
1,000-m run
10 wall walks
Movement scaling options:
Wall walks: Reps, range-of-motion, inch-worm + push-up
Row: Distance, run, bike, SkiErg
Partner option:
For time with a partner:
20 wall walks
1,600/2,000-m row
20 wall walks
-One partner works at a time; trade off as desired
Post-Workout Skill Work:
4 sets:
:20 seated leg raises
– Rest :10
:20 hollow hold
– Rest :10