Saturday September 4, 2021

“Your children will become who you are, so be who you want them to be.” -Anonymous 

Synchro Everything – 3 Rounds

12 Lunges
6 Deadlifts 
6 Cleans 
6 Push Jerks
12s Dead Hang 
24 Mountain Climbers 


Team of 3
12 Minutes
Build to a Moderately Heavy Clean and Jerk

WOD: Golden Ruby
Teams of 3 – AMRAP 17
50 Cal Bike | 40 Clean and Jerk @ 155/105
50 Cal Bike | 40 Bar Muscle Ups 
50 Cal Bike | 40 Syncro Bar Facing Burpees 

Bar Muscle Ups: Burpee Chest to Bar or Devil Press

50 Cal Bike | 40 Clean and Jerk @70/50
50 Cal Bike | 40 Bar Muscle Ups 
50 Cal Bike | 40 Bar Facing Burpees 

Bulletproof Shoulders:
50 Cal Bike | 40 Deadlifts 2 = 1 C&J
50 Cal Bike | 40 Russian KBS 2+ 1 BMU
50 Cal Bike | Synchro Top up Burpees
1000M Run | 80 Lunges
1000M Run | 40 Pull Ups 
1000M Run | 40 Bar Facing Burpees