Saturday September 16, 2023

“Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.” — W. Clement Stone

Warm Up: 
1 set:
:30 bear crawl, any way
10 alternating elbow-to-insteps
10 knee push-ups
:30 ring rows

1 set:
:30 bear crawl, high hips
10 alternating Samson stretch lunges
10 push-ups
:30 scap pull-ups

1 set:
:30 bear crawl, low hips + knees bent
10 air squats
10 pike push-ups, floor
:30 scap pull-ups

Specific Warm-Up:
1 set:
:20 handstand hold
5 DB shoulder presses, fast
:20 bar hang
5 strict pull-ups

For time and reps:
EMOM 16:
Min. 1 | Max handstand hold
Min. 2 | DB shoulder press (25/35 lb)
Min. 3 | Max hang from a pull-up bar
Min. 4 | Strict pull-ups
– Score is total seconds held + total reps completed.
– Perform just one attempt on the holds each minute.

For time and reps:
EMOM 16:
Min. 1 | Max handstand hold
Min. 2 | DB shoulder press (15/25 lb)
Min. 3 | Max hang from a pull-up bar
Min. 4 | Band-assisted strict pull-ups
– Score is total seconds held + total reps completed.
– Perform just one attempt on the holds each minute.

For time and reps:
EMOM 16:
Min. 1 | Max plank hold
Min. 2 | DB shoulder press (10/15 lb)
Min. 3 | Max supine ring hold
Min. 4 | Ring rows
– Score is total seconds held + total reps completed.
– Perform just one attempt on the holds each minute.

Home Workout: 
For time and reps:
EMOM 16:
Min. 1 | max handstand hold
Min. 2 | DB shoulder press (25/35 lb)
Min. 3 | max DB farmers carry hold (35/50 lb)
Min. 4 | DB hang power cleans
– Score is total seconds held + total reps completed.
– Perform just one attempt on each movement each minute.

Movement scaling options:
Handstand hold: pike handstand hold, plank hold
DB shoulder press: Load, single-arm variations, DB bench press
Bar hang: Supine ring hold
Strict pull-up: Band-assisted strict pull-ups, ring rows

Cool down:
2 sets:
:30 scorpion stretch/side
1:00 standing pike stretch