Warm Up:
1 set:
10 leg swings/leg (across the body)
10 leg swings/leg (front to back)
10 alternating Samson stretches
10 alternating scorpion stretches
1 round:
P1: 200-m jog
P2: slow med-ball squats
– Switch when P1 returns.
1 set:
P1: 200-m jog
P2: slow box step-ups
– Switch when P1 returns.
Specific Warm-Up:
1 set:
P1: 20 mountain climbers
P2: 10 med-ball front squats
– Switch.
1 set:
P1: 20 double knee tucks in a plank
P 2: 10 med-ball push presses
– Switch.
1 set:
P1: 20 tuck jumps
P2: 10 wall-ball shots
– Switch.
1 set:
P1: 5 box jumps
P2: 5 wall-ball shots (use workout weight)
– Switch.
5 rounds for time with a partner:
400-m run
30 box jumps (20/24 in)
30 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb)
– Run together, divide box jumps and wall-ball shots as needed.
4 rounds for time with a partner:
400-m run
30 box jumps (20/24 in)
30 wall-ball shots (10/14 lb)
– Run together, divide box jumps and wall-ball shots as needed.
3 rounds for time with a partner:
400-m run
30 box jumps or step-ups (12/20 in)
30 wall-ball shots (6/10 lb)
– Run together, divide box jumps and wall-ball shots as needed.
Home Workout:
5 rounds for time with a partner:
400-m run
30 jumps onto, or over, an object (knee height)
30 DB thrusters (20/30 lb)
– Run together, divide jumps and thrusters as needed.
Movement scaling options:
Run: Distance, bike, row, SkiErg
Box jumps: Height, step-ups
Wall balls: Load, volume, med-ball front squat or med-ball push press (to accommodate injury)
Cool down:
1:00 foam roll calf/leg
1:00 lacrosse ball roll/foot