Saturday March 26, 2022

“Just because no one else can heal or do your inner work for you, doesn’t mean you can, should, or need to do it alone.” -Lisa Olivera 

Warm Up: 
20 jumping jacks
5 push-ups
20 alternating shoulder taps
5 shoulder presses (PVC)

Specific Warm-Up:
2-3 sets:
5 shoulder presses

5 sets for load:
10 shoulder presses

Same as Rx

Same as Rx

Movement scaling options: 
Shoulder Presses: Load, DB shoulder presses

Conditioning partner option:
5 sets each, alternating with a partner:
10 shoulder presses
15 burpees
– Increase loading as needed as long as you can finish the presses in 2 sets or less.
-Partners don’t have to use the same loading.
– Score is the time and heaviest load lifted by each athlete.

Post-Workout Skill Work:
4 sets:
:20 lateral hops over a bar
Rest :10
:20 chin-ups
Rest :10