Warm Up:
1 set:
10 leg swings/leg
10 alternating Samson stretch lunges
10 unweighted good mornings
5 single-arm DB power cleans/arm
1 set:
10 lateral leg swings/leg
5 single-leg step-ups/leg (hands on head)
5 DB deadlifts
5 DB power cleans
Specific Warm-Up:
1 set/partner:
6 DB step-ups
4 DB squat cleans
– Must be unbroken.
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
8 DB step-ups (35/50 lb)(20 in)
8 DB squat cleans
– One partner completes a round, while the other rests; switch.
– Use two DBs for both movements.
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
8 DB step-ups (20/35 lb)(20 in)
8 DB squat cleans
– One partner completes a round, while the other rests; switch.
– Use two DBs for both movements.
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
8 DB step-ups (15/20 lb)(12 in)
8 DB power cleans
– One partner completes a round, while the other rests; switch.
– Use two DBs for both movements.
Movement scaling options:
DB box step-up: Load, box height
DB squat clean: Load, reps
Individual option:
8 DB step-ups (35/50 lb) (20 in)
8 DB squat cleans
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.
At home variation:
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
8 DB step-ups (knee height)
8 DB squat cleans
– One partner completes a round, while the other rests; switch.
– Use two DBs for both movements.
Post-Workout Skill Work:
Wall walks (:05 hold at the top of the walk)
– Complete for reps and quality.
– Take as many steps toward the wall as possible based on your capacity.
– If you are new or inexperienced with the wall walk, treat this as an EMOM.