Saturday July 1, 2023

“You get what you work for.” -Anonymous 

Warm Up: 
20 jumping jacks
10 KB deadlifts
10 scap pull-ups
5 burpees

Specific Warm-Up:
Chest to bar pull-up Review
KB Swing Review

8 rounds for time with a partner:
30 burpees
20 Russian KB swings (53/70 lb)
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
– Split the work as needed.

8 rounds for time with a partner:
20 burpees
20 Russian KB swings (35/53 lb)
10 pull-ups
– Partners split work evenly.

8 rounds for time with a partner:
16 burpees
10 Russian KB swings (26/35 lb)
6 jumping pull-ups
– Partners split work evenly.

8 rounds for time with a partner:
30 burpees
20 Russian DB swings
10 double-DB bent over rows.
– Split the work as needed.

8 rounds for time with a partner:
30 burpees
20 weighted good mornings
10 weighted sit-ups
– Split the work as needed.

Movement scaling options:
KB swing: Volume, load, range of motion, single-arm
Burpee: Volume, sep forward and back, elevated burpee
Chest to bar pull-up: Volume, kipping pull-ups, jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups

Individual option:
4 rounds for time:
20 burpees
15 Russian KB swings (53/70 lb)
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups

Cool Down:
3 sets:
:30 reach, roll, and lift
20 banded pull-aparts